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Welcome to First State Coins! Check out our online store!

$25 Monthly Grab Bag Subscription
$25.00 every month

This is a monthly subscription. You will receive one $25 grab bag every month! Cancel anytime. Grab bag may include: half cents, large cents, indian head cents, wheat cents, 2 cent pieces, 3 cent pieces (silver and nickel), half dimes, shield nickels, v nickels, buffalo nickels, war nickels, seated liberty dimes, barber dimes, mercury dimes, silver roosevelt dimes, barber quarters, standing liberty quarters, silver washington quarters, barber halves, walking liberty halves, franklin halves, 90% silver kennedy halves, 40% silver kennedy halves, morgan dollars, peace dollars, commemorative silver dollars….AND MORE!!! Each order will have the cost of each item included on your invoice to insure you are getting $25 worth. Try it out and get your monthly fix of coins! :)

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